this little kiddo just perks up my day.
raya fever going on..


can't sleep again.
when i close my eyes i see you
when i close my eyes i see myself in the middle of nowhere
and when i open my eyes, i see myself;
disappointed and clueless.
regret is not the best word.
it is not in my dictionary.
i seek comfort in nicotine
i need to lose weight
anorexia anyone?
i feel like running away
fuck fuck fuck fuck
the truth is i don't want any of this
no strings attach.
im pretending to be someone im not
how do i break this to you?
not the time?
i don't want things to get any deeper
friend or foe?
its a four letter word with a hell lot of definition
and right now i just can't define it
nah uh that word don't ring any bells
at the end of the day,
you won't understand me.

every you and every me

going with the flow
not sure what i want
hate thinking bout you
chain smoking this few days
disturbed about?
lots to say, planning how to tell.
i love my bf? do i ?
18 and yet clueless.
can i be alone?
friends only please
nidji is coming to singapore 17 sept
no money
nk hamper tk?
i cant sleep
tired like fuck
ah fuck!